I MET them!
If you haven't gathered, I'm a huge book nerd. I have NEVER been to a book signing. Mainly because of my work schedule and that a lot of author's tours never come close enough to me.
I live in a very small town, I have to travel to get anywhere. BUT these trio went on a book tour(Fall In Love Tour) and came to a town close enough for me to drive to. (1 hour 15 mins to be exact-totally worth it.)
I went with my very best friend, and we stopped for something to eat. My GPS, for whatever stupid reason, couldn't find the address. I almost broke down. I'm sitting in my car, freaking out because I had just driven an hour to see these ladies, only not to make it? NO Way! I tried my phone, only for it to crash. I wanted to cry. We did eventually get it working..and we made it in time!
There was an hour Q&A. It was so awesome to listen to them talk. Mostly, Colleen and Abbi. They were so funny, so down to earth, and made me love them even more.
THEN It was time for the signing, and picture taking. I was in complete awe. They've even said, 'They don't feel famous.' but to me, they're my movie stars. To me, They're famous. They've created stories and characters I've grown to love. I follow them on facebook, instagram, and twitter. I support their career.
I was the third person in line. The girl in front of me said she was nervous, and I said, "So am I." Boy was I nervous, I wanted to cry. I asked if they were able to sign my Kindle Cover, and Jamie very enthusiastically said, "Yes." I just watched them sign my books, afraid to bother them really. Colleen said Hi, and the big dork that I am. I said, "Hi, I'm so nervous."
Abbi shook her head and said, "Don't be nervous." Colleen agreed, and Jamie said, "But you're having fun!"
I just responded with, "Yes!"
Colleen said, "I love your top, it's so sparkly." and Abbi agreed.
I WAS SUCH A DORK! I couldn't say anything. I was just speechless. My favorite authors in front of me, you'd think I'd say, "omg I love your books." or something along those lines..but I froze. I choked. It was over too soon.
This moment is in my ten top favorite moments of my life.
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